Shanmukhanda Front

Celebration of Prana Pratishtha of Prabhu Rama’s Temple in His Janmasthan, Ayodhya S
22nd January 2024 marked a watershed in the history of our ancient civilisation which spans several millennia and predates all other civilisations of the world. It is a red letter day in the history of free and independent India. At long last, the aspirations of countless Ram Bhaktas across the country and beyond was fulfilled with the Prana Pratishta of Ram Lalla in a majestic temple built in Ayodhya. The nation celebrated the event akin to Deepavali. The Sabha also joined the nation with a Sangeetha Abhishekam to Prabhu Ramchandra Murthy singing the glory of his divine life journey through the seven Kandas – Bala, Ayodhya, Aranya, Kishkinda, Sundara, Yudha and Uttara weaving a garland of various Kritis of several Vaggeyakaras in different languages of the country. The Alumni and the students of the Sangeetha Vidyalaya under the able guidance of Smt. Radha Namboodiri, member of the Managing Committee gave a soulful performance backed by striking visuals that left deep impression on the Rasikas. Abhishekam was also performed to the deity of Sri Rama and his consorts. 1008 Ram Jyotis were lit in the auditorium for the divine celestial event. After a gap of 34 years for the first time, lamps were lit in the auditorium. These were water based non-flammable diyas and therefore safe and secure. The following were the Kritis rendered on the occasion

Bala Kandam
The first Kandam began with the birth of Rama. It describes Rama’s childhood, young Rama and Lakshmana’s journey with Sage Vishwamitra, the victory over rakshasas disrupting yagnas and the salvation of Ahalya before culminating in the marriage between Sri Rama and Seeta Devi.

Ayodhya Kandam
The Ayodhya Kandam describes the preparations for Rama’s coronation, Kaikeyi’s claim of her boons from Dasharatha, Rama’s acceptance of Vanavasam, Seetha and Lakshmana accompanying Rama into the forest and Bharatha’s return to Ayodhya with Rama’s Paadukas.

Aranya Kandam
In the Aranya Kandam Rama’s life in the forest is described, the kidnapping of Seetha, Rama’s anguish, the event of Jatayu Moksham and Sabari’s devotion towards Rama.

Kishkinda Kandam
In the Kishkinda Kandam, Rama meets with the vanaras including his beloved Hanuman. Sugriva is crowned king after Vali is vanquished by Lord Rama.

Sundara Kandam
Sundara kandam is about Hanuman’s journey to Lanka, his valour, the incident of Hanuman setting fire to Lanka and his joyous meeting with Seetha Devi.

Yuddha Kandam
Rama’s successful quest over Lanka to rescue Seetha and his vanquishing of Ravana form the subject of the Yuddha Kanda. Here Rama also bestows his grace on Vibhishana who seeks his refuge.

Uttara Kandam
Rama’s life is celebrated by his own sons, Kusha and Lava in the Uttara Kandam

The Ramayanam will be recapitulated in Maharajah Swathi Thirunal’s immortal kriti Bhavayami Raghuramam.

Bharatiya Front









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