Sri Shanmukhananda Sabha confers T. N. Raja Rathinam Fellowship in Nadaswaram to 50
Nadaswaram Vidwans from across South India
The Shanmukhananda Sabha in a concerted effort to preserve and perpetuate the Mangala
Vadhyam, the celestial Nadaswaram took a series of measures as part of the Nadaswara
Thiruvizha held between 26th and 27th August 2023 coinciding with the 125th birth
anniversary of Nadaswara Chakravarthy T. N. Raja Rathinam Pillai. It began a fellowship
scheme which secures, in the ordinary course a fellowship grant of Rs. 1,00,000/- per
year for three years certain for a Nadaswaram artiste who at the time of the first
fellowship grant should be less than 27 years of age and should have been practicing the
art for about a decade. The fellowship in addition to the grant carries a citation
plaque, an ornamental garland of TNR and subscription to the quarterly magazine of the
Sabha “Shanmukha”. The fellowship scheme was advertised in Tamil Nadu inviting
applications for the grant. The overwhelming response resulted in a careful scrutiny of
the applications and an evaluation based on the video forwarded by each applicant and a
limited live performance before the experts. The awards were given on 27th August 2023
to the following Vidwans.
The Sabha had also set up in 2013, Sri Shanmukhananda Bharat Ratna Dr. M. S.
Subbulakshmi Fellowship in Music to 50 young artistes of all genres across the country
in classical music including dance, theatre and other performing arts. The
awards scheme is similar to the Nadaswaram fellowship. Singularly, the Sabha is the
biggest institution next to the Government in granting fellowships to young musicians of
the country. The various awards schemes of the Sabha provide an opportunity for
musicians both of yesteryears, current and emerging to receive the awards and be
motivated further to pursue their musical journey.